Screening date: 25-11-2007 -- 13h30

Duo, a dance becomes a duel. Two entities brought together by their differences, contrasts and also their complementary spirit… INdiVuE is an individual that separates so as to experience its plurality… Like a body that fights against its fears, opening itself to danger, encountering the intensity of existence…

Country: Lebanon/France
: Nicolas Damuni, Jean Dupré
Year: 2007
Director: Nicolas Damuni
Editing: Nicolas Damuni
Cinematography: Nicolas Damuni
Choreography: Leďla Mansour
Dancers: Leďla Mansour, Marie Corcuff
DigitalVideo  –  color  –  5 min

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Palestinian refugee born in Beirut in 1973, Nicolas came to live in Paris in 1995 after completing his film studies in Lebanon. In France he continued studying, both theatre and cinema at ESEC. Actor, editor and director, he has several short films to his credit, notably one about Franz Kafka.

Un seul retour (2002)
K comme Joseph (2002)
L'Uniformité. Histoire (2002)
Mal de mer (2003)
Individue (2007)

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