Screening date: 21-11-2007 -- 15h30
Alternative Information Center
The Alternative Information Center (AIC) is an internationally oriented, progressive, joint Palestianian-Israeli activist organization. I tis engaged in dissemination of information, political advocacy, grassroots activism and critical analysis of the Palestinian and Israeli societies as well as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
The AIC strives to promote full individual and collective social, economic, political and gender equality, freedom and democracy and a rejection of the philosophy (ideology and praxis) (weltanschauung) of separation. The most urgent regional task is to find a just solution to the century-old colonial conflict in Palestine and confront the ongoing Israeli occupation-regime within its international framework. The AIC method of action develops from the awareness that local struggle must be practically and analytically situated within the framework of the global justice struggle. The internal AIC structure and working relationship aims to reflect the above mentioned values.
AIC activities are made possible through the generous support of numerous individuals and organisations including the Basque government with the help of PTM-Mundubat, Broedrlijk Delen, CCFD, Diakonia, Diputacion de Guipuzkoa, ICCO and the Irish Government throught the Christian Aid/Development Cooperation Ireland Multi-Annual Partnership Scheme (MAPS).
Selected Short Films
The Garbage Dump, 32'
Um Tuba, 6'30
Yatta, 6'30
Country: Israel/Palestine
Production: The Alternative Information Center
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